Our lives are built on trust. From day one, life is in the hands of other people; as children, we’re forced to place our trust in teachers, neighbours and almost everyone we came into contact with.
As adults, even something as simple as walking down the street requires an element of trust. We walk trusting that a driver won’t leave the road and knock us down, that a random stranger isn’t going to attack us, and that people are sufficiently acquainted with social norms to move aside and let us pass.
Life’s big stepping stones are those requiring huge investments of trust in other people. Major life steps like getting a job and forming relationships involve massive amounts of trust that we will not be let down; but some times we are let down anyway.
Every one has their trust breached at some point. May be an employee steals from you: may be your partner cheats on you; may be you buy a stolen car. But some people have their trust destroyed in such a shocking way they might never recover from it.
While the majority of the people are trust worthy, have your eyes and ears open. Some people are not always what they seem to be. But we must continue to trust; we have been programmed to, and the society around us is built on it.