Saturday, November 29, 2008

Broken Wings

Suicide1 For some time, I have been thinking about the meaning of life and of those who choose to end their life prematurely. During a visit to the GP, I noticed a couple of leaflets which said 'you are not alone', and to my surprise the material turned out to be for people who are depressed and who might think of committing suicide. This and the news about an Online Suicide caused me, once again, to reflect on life’s meaning, a life which has been given to us with so many possibilities and yet, can be so incredibly fragile.  Nothing can really stop a person who is determined to end their life.

At times, we brush shoulders with the thought of simply giving up. It feels as though we had fallen into a deep, dark hole, and the walls where closing in on us. The harder we try to climb out of this dark hole, the more we slip  and spiral even deeper down. It is very scary. We became withdrawn- even more so than usual, and feel that no one is able to help or even understand us. The small signs that we give for someone to realize that we are in a very dangerous place are not recognized. We feel ashamed and embarrassed that we are seemingly unable to help ourselves. Does this give us the right to give up on life? Many call it quits at this stage.

And then, our thoughts would clear as we remember the many hard times in the past with which we had had to deal with and how we have always managed to find a way to rise above them. We think about the many lonely days that we had already experienced suicide2yet was able to keep on going. We realize that the situations that we were facing would have been difficult, but not beyond some hope and some explanation. We then realize just how fragile life can be.  The experience makes us much more aware of how so many people can cover their true feelings because of fear of embarrassment, judgment, rejection, criticism and a host of other reasons. Life has so much more in store for us that we could not possibly foresee while living in that dark tunnel of lost hope.

No matter what school of thought one takes on suicide, telling a suicidal person how angry and selfish suicidal thoughts are does no good and is certainly not helpful.  A person in this state of mind does not function within a normal mental capacity because in some form or fashion, his or her brain chemistry has been altered. Anyone in this state of mind needs genuine, prompt and loving help. Harsh and judgmental words can bring even more harm to the already emotionally weakened and challenged individual. It pays for all of us to simply work on ourselves to become kinder and more loving human beings. One never knows when even just a smile and a kind word could turn things around for someone.

I have come to understand that those who seem to be in the darkest place in their lives, can experience the love of God most profoundly as they realize that their own strength simply is not sufficient enough. There is so much more to live for that you are not able to see right now. There is so much more to experience, so much more to love and so many more tender moments to cherish. Hope, true Hope makes life possible again! This truth lies within you, my friend….it lies within you!

Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!
Look to this Day!
For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
In its brief course lie all the
Verities and Realities of your Existence.
The Bliss of Growth,
The Glory of Action,
The Splendour of Beauty;
For Yesterday is but a Dream,
And To-morrow is only a Vision;
But To-day well lived makes
Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
Look well therefore to this Day!
Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!



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