Monday, December 15, 2008

Hit with the Bloggers Block

bloggerblock Ever since my last post, I've been hit with blogger's block. I haven't been able to write any thing. I've tried, but was not able to make any progress on anything. It could be because I was thinking of writing on a highly controversial topic. I was going to do it, I am going to do it, but I just can't seem to bring myself to write on it, or anything for that matter.

I have tried different approaches, some worked halfway through. Some just didn't kick off. Well, I guess it's not just the controversial topic that put me in this situation. There are other things going on through the back of my mind and I need to deal with them or I may never be able to write another word, ever again.

To get out of it, I have decided that I will be posting comparatively small entries for now. May be that would work and writing short paragraphs would ease me back to my old blogging habits.

Xmas is here and it gets colder day by day. May be that also have to do with my blogging. Let's wait and see.

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