Thursday, January 1, 2009

Moving Forward

It seems that every year is momentous, filled with joy and sorrow and significant change - 2008 has been no different.  I can hardly remember the final days of 2007 - it seems like my life now is so far removed from where it was just a year ago.  So much has changed, and yet so much feels exactly the same. Well, the time is upon us: reflection on another year gone by, resolutions for the year to come.

nuyr It's a tradition that stretches back probably to the time when man invented what is now known as the Calendar. Every year people make New Year's Resolutions, and by February, if not sooner, they're long forgotten.

Does it always have to be that way? I am not an expert at keeping all of my resolutions -- if I were, I'd have been a multi-millionaire and I would have been driving an all black Rolls Royce Phantom by now. Hmm… But I do remember my resolutions, and so I thought I would offer a few tips for those who are thinking of making resolutions but wondering if it's worth the trouble. Should I?

Don't call them New Year's Resolutions. The resolutions part is fine. The "New Year" isn't. Instead, make up a "goal" list. Something like, "Goals: 2009," you might have a better shot at keeping your resolutions at the forefront of your mind.

I'm not so sure on what to suggest when it comes to how many goals anyone should have on a yearly list. Some years, I've had as many as 50 goals written down, with the thinking that I'll probably achieve more during the year, but too many goals, and you can lose focus on what you're really trying to improve. But if you only have two or three goals for an entire year, and you fail at all of them, you're going to be demoralized come December 31. So if you're new to the New Year's Eve resolution scene, I'd recommend thinking up about 10 goals, making some of them fairly easy and within reach and two or three of them, pretty challenging. Put them to paper, of course, and check them periodically; at least once a month, preferably holding yourself accountable to a friend or trusted family member.

Here are some of mine:

  • Save enough money – for what ever….
  • Shave Everyday.
  • Loose some weight.
  • Make regular posts.
  • Keep in touch with friends.

This is a small list but I don’t want to overwhelm myself. I need to feel as though I accomplished something this time next year :)

Lets see if by this time next year I have done everything!! The game is on! It’s time to start looking ahead.

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